(+353) 0876195907

Limerick City, Limerick, Ireland


Service List

How It Works

In life coaching the main areas of focus break down into eight sections. These areas are generally considered to be the most important elements of people’s lives. During our initial coaching session we will explore each area and by using the wheel of life, seen below, rate each area from least to most fulfilled. The areas that are the least fulfilled are the ones we will need to focus on the most. It could be one or a combination of these areas that may need to be addressed. Even though they seem to be separate, often these areas are linked, one area can directly affect another and so on. This process is essential in helping us to get to the root of the issues.

Business & Career

Statistically 80% of people worldwide are in a job that they dislike. That’s a lot of unhappy people getting up for work every morning going to a job that does not give them joy or fulfillment. Other things to consider such as, do you want to be self employed or employed? To be your own boss or work as part of a team? Some people like to lead, some like to be led and others prefer to do their own thing. We will discuss education, mentoring, work ethic and more.


How satisfied are you about your financial situation? Do you have enough money for your needs? Are you more aligned with a minimalistic or materialistic lifestyle? These questions rattle around our minds on a daily basis. We will also discuss financial hygiene which refers to the practices and habits people use to control their finances effectively. It involves maintaining accurate records of all transactions, monitoring cash flow and budgeting.


With my background in health this is an area I am very passionate about. Your health is your wealth, simple as that. Health and self care are the foundation of personal development. This is a very important area as it links to and affects all the other areas of a person’s life directly. And it’s not just about physical health, its also mental health. Looking good is great but feeling good is amazing and is something that cannot be overlooked in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

Family & Friends

When it comes to family they say blood is thicker than water, meaning the bonds between family are stronger than any other. Are you happy with the connection you have with your family? They say we become the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, so we must be careful who we choose to spend time with. What’s your friend circle like? Some friends are like sails that carry you and others like anchors that hold you back.

Romance & Relationships

Relationships are a very common root of emotional issues such as stress, anger and sadness but also happiness and motivation. Unfortunately life and love is not all butterflies and rainbows. A relationship is like a business or job, it must be managed properly to survive and thrive. To make a relationship work in this modern world takes more than just hope and luck. This is something we will be looking at objectively and logically.

Personal Growth

Personal growth or development simply means you are taking steps towards constructing a better version of yourself. In order to improve and grow we sometimes have to make changes. We must focus inwards on ourselves and this means cutting out all distractions and committing to continually working with a purpose. This isn’t easy, there will be resistance and people may consider you selfish. With proper planning and execution you can reach your full potential.

Fun & Recreation

All work and no play can take a huge toll on your emotional state. You have to make time for some fun and recreation but too much can also negatively affect other areas in your life. Just like everything, there is a balance that must be achieved. Choosing the right type of recreation is important. For example, an office worker may yearn for social activities and a person who works in a busy interpersonal environment may desire solitude.

Physical Environment

Your environment doesn’t just refer to where you reside but also the quality of everything inside and around it. For example – Internally, is your home to your liking, is your car in working order? Externally, is your neighborhood a safe, peaceful and friendly place. These things, even as mundane as they seem, have a huge impact on your daily existence. Luckily In today’s modern world there are more ways to change your environment than ever before.