Limerick City, Limerick, Ireland


The metaphor of “sails” and “anchors” is often used to describe different types of people and their influences in life or on others. The easiest way to relate this in a social way or to describe people is to think of a ship’s sail that pulls you along and helps you move forward and an anchor that holds you back and keeps you in the same place. But this is a very basic explanation and so here we will break down the pros and cons of both archetypes and their concepts.


1. Propulsion and Movement: Sails are parts of a ship that catch the wind, propelling the vessel forward. Similarly, “sail” people are those who inspire, motivate, and help others move forward. They are often positive, ambitious, proactive and help to push individuals towards goals and progress.

2. Adaptability: Just as sails can be adjusted to catch the wind from different directions, people who are like sails can adapt to changing circumstances and help navigate through life’s challenges. They are agile and flexible and can turn obstacles into opportunities.

3. Energy and Inspiration: Sails harness energy to move, and similarly, these individuals often bring energy and inspiration to their surroundings, encouraging others to reach their potential. A good example of this would be a life coach or a mentor.


1. Stability and Security: Anchors provide stability to a ship by preventing it from drifting. People who are like anchors offer stability, reliability, and a grounding presence. They can be counted on for support and consistency, especially during turbulent times.

2. Restraint and Caution: While anchors keep a ship from moving, they can also symbolise caution and restraint. People who are like anchors may sometimes be seen in a negative way for being hesitant or resistant to change. But there is a hidden value to this, by ensuring that decisions are well-thought-out and not impulsive.

3. Dependability: Anchors are reliable, and so are people who fulfil this role. They often serve as a support system, providing a sense of security and trust. A person like this is sometimes referred to as a “rock”, this person gives the other person a sense of stability and can always be relied upon.


As you can see both roles are important in life, there are pros and cons to each. While “sails” drive forward, encourage new ventures and push for progress, this can be seen as a pro but for some a con. While “anchors” keep you grounded and help to consider your actions more carefully which may be too slow for some and seen as a con but others may see it as a pro. In general a balanced combination of these traits can lead to a well-rounded and stable journey, whether it’s in personal growth, relationships or career.

People can often embody both characteristics to varying degrees, depending on the situation and context. Understanding and appreciating the contributions of both “sails” and “anchors” can lead to better understanding of who you are dealing with. This awareness will ultimately create more balance, harmony and productivity in interpersonal relationships in all areas of an individual’s life.